Boxing Match Aftermath is a sketch that appears in "Hamlet," the forty-third episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
After a 15-round boxing match between The Killer and The Champ, The Champ's manager Mr Gabriello (Michael Palin) congratulates him on the fight, as men carry him into the dressing room on a stretcher. An assistant (Bob Raymond) hands him a paper bag containing his head, and Mr Gabriello tells him to get it sewn back onto his body for the press photos. He then enthuses about the fight with another assistant (Eric Idle), revealing grisly details of the fight, and how some spectators paid $2000 for a ringside seat, only for his head to fly off to the back.
Another assistant enters (Terry Gilliam) and shows them a paperbag with another head, and the second assistant recognises it as Gerry Marinello's, who fought the Killer last week. The press is outside the door, and The Champ's left arm is still missing, but Mr Gabriello still lets the press in. They hound him with questions, and Mr Gabriello states he won't be going to hospital, as he has the return fight next week.