Insurance Sketch is a sketch that appears in "The Buzz Aldrin Show," the seventeenth episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
In Mr Devious' (Michael Palin) office, a customer labelled 'STRAIGHT MAN' has come to discuss the motor insurance offer, to which Devious looks around in confusion and asks what it was. He tells the customer the offer's no longer valid, and the new offer comes with a nude lady. The man declines and insists he tells him how much it would be to get insurance on his Aston Martin.
The Reverend Morrison (Eric Idle) knocks on the door, he is also labelled 'ANOTHER STRAIGHT MAN' He enters and asks about a letter Devious sent him. The first straight man asks if he has any more lines. Devious looks at the script and tells him he's finished. The man leaves.
The reverend sits and complains about the letter, and Devious tells him his policy is that no claim he makes will be paid - the never-pay policy. He asks how the nude lady is and the reverend replies that she's fine, and then starts crying before being kicked out of the office. The reverend wheels his nude lady away, sobbing.
Suddenly, a bishop's crook slams onto the desk and tells Devious not to move. Devious looks up in shock and exclaims to the camera 'The Bishop!'