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The Bavarian Restaurant is a sketch from Episode 1 of Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus.


An American couple (husband portrayed by Graham Chapman) enter a restaurant. The waiter (John Cleese) comes up to them and welcomes them to the Golden Post, a typical Bavarian restaurant with a large amount of traditions. Two more waiters (Eric Idle and Michael Palin) dance their way up to the couple and take their coats for them. They are guided to the table, fascinated with the service. The menus are bought to them "traditionally". This involves a burgomaster (Terry Jones) getting out of a sedan chair and whacking them with their menus.

A blessing is then given to them (they are splashed in the face with water and knives are aggressively stabbed into the table by the waiter). The waiter then recommends some items to them including Soup à la Clown (soup splashed on the face) and Prawns Down the Shirt and Wine Sauce with Drill (for the wife, up the skirt and with cream). For the main course, he suggests the husband be thrown out the window with a few sauté potatoes and the wife be strapped to the table and beaten about the head with a chicken. The waiter also suggests that to go with all this should be an ice cold bucket of pig's water. The couple agree to all the items, due to them not understanding the waiter's German.

They are served all the meals, much to the distress of the couple. After the husband is thrown out of the window, the waiter comes up to his unconscious body and asks for the bill.

The closing credits play over the following:

At a palace, two flunkeys (Chapman and Cleese) bring a sedan chair near it. A nobleman (Jones) comes to the sedan chair and goes in it. Flushing noises are heard. He then exits.

In an animation by Terry Gilliam, the flunkeys carry the sedan chair into a lift which is captured by a plane. The lift lands in a van which goes into a cave. Out of the cave comes a train which goes past a billboard with a landscape of trees and mountains. A sign above it ("ENDE") starts flashing as we zoom into the billboard.

Claudia Doren is dragged out of the river by two scuba divers, still casually continuing with her introduction to the troupe. Her set is put back together again. She signs off and introduces Albrecht Dürer.
